White paper download

Incorporate Metrics into Your Traffic Management Strategy: 85th Percentile and 10-mph Pace



With three-quarters of drivers admitting to speeding on a regular basis, it's critical that you can accurately determine optimum speed limits, as well as monitor and enforce those limits to keep citizens safe.

You need fast access to timely data metrics so you can set or revise speed limits with any degree of certainty. This white paper explains how two key metrics—the 85th percentile and 10-mph pace—work, why they are essential and how you can improve traffic outcomes in your municipality by using cloud-based data to leverage these and other data metrics effectively.


This white paper includes:

  • How to apply data-driven metrics to your traffic challenges
  • How cloud-enabled radar display signs and count and classifiers make data collection easier
  • Why traffic experts put so much stock into the 85th percentile and 10-mph pace
  • How to use real-time on-demand traffic data for decision making

Learn the steps you can take today to calm traffic using metrics, and make your roads safer for everyone.